Below is a listing of training courses and retreats offered by CLC across the 3 leadership domains: Self, Relational and Organisational Leadership. Many of these are offered at different times of the year through our open schedule courses for individuals or groups to sign up. Alternatively they can also be offered as customised tracks for parishes and organisations with large groups, co-curated with Parish Priests/Heads of Organisations that can be conducted at the Parish/Organisation residence.
To find out more about any of these training courses, click on the ‘Learn More’ button or contact Rofina at
This revolves around the 4 core dimensions of:
Identity in Christ
Recognising that we are God’s beloved, through our baptism and sharing in Christ’s mission of priest, prophet, king. Acknowledging our role as members of the Body of Christ. Learning to discern our personal vocation & charisms.
Intimacy with Christ
Having a personal relationship with the Holy Trinity through prayer, and cultivating the following our Blessed Mother.
Imitation of Christ
Discipleship and Servant leadership (John 13:14-15).
Integration for Christ
Developing self awareness to integrate the interior & exterior life; Living a life of integrity, finding inner healing & reconciliation; growing in maturity and union with God. Having an intellectual understanding of the role of leaders in the nature and mission of the Church. Learning to practice intentional leadership.
CLC currently offers these training courses under the Self-Leadership domain:

A Leader’s Spirituality (ALS)
This introductory module addresses what is at the heart of spiritually fruitful Catholic leadership: one’s lived relationship with Jesus Christ. It touches on the growth of the interior of the disciple-leader.

Lead Like Jesus (LLJ)
A foundational module based on the servant leadership modelled by Jesus Christ. In the 2 sessions, we will explore the 4 domains of leading like Jesus: the heart, head, hands and habits.

At the Feet of the Good Shepherd Retreat (FGS)
A semi silent retreat to allow Jesus, our Good Shepherd, to tend to you and heal and restore your soul. Includes inner healing prayers and 1-2-1 spiritual direction.

Called & Gifted (C&G)
Developed by the Catherine of Siena Institute in the USA, the Called & Gifted Workshop is the first of 3 steps in the process for discovering where you are gifted. It lays the foundation for the beginning of discernment where you will take the Catholic Spiritual Gifts inventory.

Ephesians 6: 10-17: Armour of God Retreat (EPH6)
This retreat unpacks the spiritual and practical implications in St Paul’s letter to the Ephesians Chapter 6: 10 – 17 and helps leaders to be equipped with the ‘armour of God’.

Keep the Sabbath Holy Retreat (SABB)
A retreat to help leaders develop their personal rule of life, using the Sabbath as a gift from God to restore, refresh, delight and discern. The rule will help leaders achieve a balanced ordering of their whole lives, integrating their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual lives. The retreat will include prayer exercises with scripture, praying in nature and creative arts.

Servant Leadership Retreat (SLR)
A day retreat reflecting on the ‘being’ habits of a servant leader, cultivating the spiritual disciplines of solitude, silence and stillness. In the second half of the retreat, participants reflect on the ‘doing’ habits of a servant leader examining the source of one’s leadership behaviours.

Developing a Discerning Heart (DDH)
A 4-part workshop to help leaders listen to God and to themselves, making choices out of an interior freedom and desire to do God’s will. Learn how to recognise the movements of consolation and desolation, and develop greater intimacy with God through one’s daily conversations with Him.

Leadership in Transition – Waiting on God (LIT)
An online retreat with group spiritual direction for leaders undergoing a time of transition. Rather than rushing into decisions and actions, we are invited to open our hearts and minds to our God who meets us in the midst of change, through prayer and co-discernment.
Relational / Group Leadership
This encompasses the following areas:
Community Leadership
Building your community on trust. Listening, authentic conversations, difficult conversations, conflict resolution. Group dynamics.
Compassionate Leadership
Spiritual accompaniment for leaders & by leaders.
Collaborative Leadership
How to inculcate collaboration (within and beyond the Church). How to facilitate purposeful and participative
CLC currently offers 6 training courses under the Relational/Group-Leadership domain:

Building Trust (TRU)
Through conversations and interactive group activities, participants will develop a shared understanding of trust and take personal responsibility for how they can develop deeper levels of trust at an inter-personal and group level.

Heart to Heart (H2H)
A sacred time and safe space to reflect silently and listen to God in His Word. Thereafter participants are invited to listen to one another without judgement and receive the gift of being listened to with undivided attention, in small groups.

Facilitate Participative Meetings (FPM)
Learn key techniques to facilitate effective group discussions or meetings. Engage with and harness group wisdom for decision-making, routine discussions, planning and learning.

Companions (COMP)
In this two-part workshop for companions, you will experience a taster of what it means to be walked with and to walk alongside another within a mutually enriching relationship, each supporting the other to grow in faith and holiness together.

Difficult Leadership Conversations (DLC)
The quality of conversations of Catholic leaders & members of the body of Christ at every level determines the fruitfulness of our shared mission. How do we create accountability? How do we reach better alignment within our group? How can we create safe spaces for those we lead? These critical areas will be covered in this half-day workshop.

Crucibles: Leadership Values in Crucible Moments (CRU)
Discover your leadership values forged from your own life experience. Get to know one another as unique children of God (beyond our tasks and functions), and through sharing your leadership story.
Parish / Organisational Leadership
This encompasses the following areas:
Discerning Parish/Organisational purpose.
Shaping a culture of collaboration (within the Church & beyond the Church).
Strategic planning and execution.
CLC currently offers 2 training courses under the Parish/Organisational-Leadership domain:

Discerned Decision Making (DDM)
Leaders will learn how a community may discern the will of God for it at that point in time, and experience how to integrate the process of discernment within its decision-making modalities.

Strategic Pastoral Planning (SPP)
A practical workshop for Catholic leaders to critically examine their parish’s Purpose, Vision & Mission, review and formulate strategic plans, goals & objectives, and execute in a timely & effective manner.
To find out more about any of these customised training courses for your parish, contact Rofina at