Igniting the hearts of Catholic Leaders in Singapore
The Catholic Leadership Centre (CLC) is a new organisation in the Singapore Archdiocese, to form and equip Catholic leaders to build a vibrant, evangelising and missionary Church.
Since it started offering training in the midst of Covid-19 in 2021, CLC has trained more than 1000 individual leaders across our parishes and archdiocesan organisations.
CLC is part of The Titular Roman Catholic Archbishop of Singapore (TRCAS).
5 Focus Areas of Leadership Development
We differentiate ourselves from others by taking a holistic approach to training within real-life settings that Catholic leaders are engaged in. There are 5 critical areas of development that Catholic leaders need in order to effectively lead those under their charge. CLC’s training courses are built around these areas.


12 Apr & 17 May 2025
Companions (COMP)
In this two-part workshop, you will experience a taster of what it means to be walked with and to walk alongside another within a mutually enriching relationship, each supporting the other to grow in faith and holiness together.

3 May 2025
Heart-to-Heart Convos (H2H)
A sacred time and safe space to reflect silently and listen to God in His Word. Thereafter participants are invited to listen to one another without judgement and receive the gift of being listened to with undivided attention, in small groups.

12 Apr 2025
Building Trust (TRU)
Through conversations and interactive group activities, participants will develop a shared understanding of trust and take personal responsibility for how they can develop deeper levels of trust at an inter-personal and group level.
See all courses by using the Training Menu tab at the top.

Don’t know where to start? Get in touch with us at enquiry.clc@catholic.org.sg.