ELISHA Leadership Journey for Emerging Leaders

ELISHA 2024 leaders, CLC Spiritual Director & staff

The ELISHA Leadership Journey is a foundational training module specially introduced by CLC each year for Emerging Leaders (those in their mid-20s to mid-40s, currently in leadership or earmarked for leadership).

ELISHA was started to intentionally identify, train & nurture successive generations of Catholic Leaders. It is meant to support Parishes in training and integrating emerging leaders through Parish Mentors. It takes a village!

Over the course of the months, participants will get to know and learn from fellow labourers in the Lord’s vineyard in the archdiocese. Together they will:

  • Grow in Discipleship – to develop awareness of self and the presence of Jesus in their Lives and leadership.
  • Grow in awareness of Group Dynamics – to shepherd and bring unity to the group entrusted to their care.
  • Grow in capacity to Discern – to listen, accompany, mentor and facilitate others better.
  • Grow in capacity to Discern – to listen to the Holy Spirit and the voice of the people to recognise the signs of the times and to live out Christ’s mission in the world.

ELISHA 2024 Synopsis

ELISHA comprises a series of 4 courses + 1 stay-in retreat held in the first half of 2024.

Course fee of $420/- per pax for the bundle of 4 courses and $300/- per pax for the 2D1N stay-in retreat 

Mentors for emerging leaders are encouraged to attend the courses and retreat. A Mentor course will prepare them for mentoring (additional $50/- per pax).

At the Feet of the Good Shepherd (FGS)

As leaders, we may be so used to tending to those entrusted to our care that we may not look into our own spiritual and emotional well-being, such as past wounds which continue to affect us today. Through the sacrament of reconciliation, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, inner healing prayer and 1-to-1 spiritual direction, this semi-silent retreat offers you the opportunity to allow Jesus, our Good Shepherd, to tend to you and heal and restore your soul. (Psalm 23: 1-2).

A 2D1N stay-in Inner Healing Retreat

Lead Like Jesus (LLJ)

A foundational module (2 sessions) based on the style of servant leadership modelled by Jesus Christ. In this module, we will explore the 4 domains (heart, head, hands, habits) of leading like Jesus.

2 Sats, 9am – 5pm

Building Trust (TRU)

Participants will develop a shared understanding of the components of trust and learn how to facilitate group agreements in their community, fostering deeper levels of trust at an inter-personal and group level.

1 Sat, 9am – 3pm

Heart-to-Heart Convos (H2H)

A sacred time and safe space set aside to experience non-judgmental listening to ourselves and to one another in authentic heart-to-heart conversations. Listening is the foundation of mentoring, facilitating and discerning.

1 Sat for the intro session, 9am – 3pm, followed by 3 short sessions in small groups in the parish

Facilitating Participative Meetings (FPM)

Learn key tools to facilitate group discussions and meetings which are focused, Spirit-led and participative, creating a safe space for group members to contribute their gifts in a process that allows members to journey together as a group.

1 Sat, 9am – 3pm

Video testimonial by ELISHA 2023 participants:

Here’s a beautiful prayer authored by ELISHA 2023 participants for all future ELISHA participants & Catholic leaders:

Click here to download the ELISHA e-brochure.

To find out more about ELISHA for the emerging leaders in your parish, contact Rofina at rofina.tham@catholic.org.sg.