Fully Alive in God Retreat (FAR)

by Archdiocesan Commission for Catholic Schools & Catholic Leadership Centre

“Whatever you are doing, that which makes you feel the most alive…that is where God is.” – St Ignatius of Loyola

As the year draws to a close, let us take stock of where God has been present or absent in our lives. Where and when are we fully alive? Conversely, where and when are we drained of life?

This retreat invites us to return to what is fundamental in assessing how we’ve lived out our calling – our relationship with God and our relationship with Self.

Retreat Flow:

  • We begin by considering our image of God and asking ourselves if this image has been a help or hindrance in loving God, loving ourselves and loving others. We join Mary as we embrace our own Annunciation moments, asking what God is asking us to bring to birth as we look towards a new year.
  • This becomes an invitation, in the words of St Paul, “to fan into flame the gift of God” (2 Tim 1:6). What might God be asking us to fan into flame as we look to a new year? Have we been good stewards of the gifts God has given us to bless others with and bring glory to God?
  • On the flip side, we also ask ourselves what prevents us from being fully alive. What drains us of life? Where are we vulnerable and how can we pray to shore up our defences in the face of vulnerability?
  • We can re-orientate ourselves as we examine the ways in which we have wandered away from God and his purposes for us. We become aware of what has replaced God as the centre of our lives, the disordered attachments that have tripped us on our journey.
  • To embrace what God is calling us to do, we must first fully embrace who we are called to be – God’s beloved. Only then can we become fully alive in God.

Specially For: Catholic educators

Date: 26 December 2024, Thursday

Time: 9.00am – 5.00pm (with Holy Mass)

Address: CJC Training & Development Centre, Catholic Junior College, 129 Whitley Rd, Singapore 297822

Cost: $30/- per pax (after subsidy of $45 per pax by ACCS)
inclusive of GST & lunch

Lead Facilitator: Anthony Siow

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