A Leader’s Spirituality (ALS)

Feedback from past ALS trainees:

“It is something leaders need to know, to hear and be aware of in themselves. It caters more to the interior formation of the person.”

“Inspiring and actionable! I managed to take action on some areas of work that needed my leadership and attention. I’m so grateful.”

“I thank God that He has answered my inner longing. He has put into words, into life, my inner longing for a personal vocation.”

“I have been searching for a course like this since my Conversion Experience Retreat (CER) and Parish Conversion Retreat (PCR) years ago.”

“Ann is a very insightful trainer who powerfully demonstrates through her lift story what she shares and hopes for us to grow in.”

“ALS is a great jumping off point to reflect on one’s own spiritual state and relationship with God, and understanding how that is fundamental in being a good Christian leader.”

“Your mind will be blown away with provoking thoughts and ways to better recognise God working in your life.”

A Leader’s Spirituality addresses the question, “How can I be an authentic and spiritually fruitful leader for Christ?” This foundational course under CLC's Self Leadership track will help you to encounter Christ in the practical struggles of leadership, beyond an intellectual understanding of faith.

A Leader's Spirituality (ALS) consists of a series of pre-recorded and live session recordings of Ann as she brings us the course content described below. Upon registration, you may view the content in your own time. As the emphasis of this course is on deepening your awareness with God & Self, the praxis exercises are meant to be done reflectively on your own. You may also wish to invite your family, friends or community to embark on the this course together so that you can further deepen your learning experience with self-facilitated sharing. (Each participant will need his/her own individual registration and access.) 

Besides the videos, there are also journal worksheet exercises for your personal use, a Q&A archive from previous live Zoom sessions and curated resources for your follow-up reflection, praxis and spiritual deepening that support you after this course.

ALS' videos and readings will address four inter-connected dimensions of the interior and integrated life of a disciple-leader:

  • The indispensable necessity of an interior life and the developmental nature of the interior journey;
  • Three common temptations for leaders to be motivated by relevance, popularity, and power and what Christ's personal example teaches about facing these temptations;
  • The necessity of leaders to cultivate a disposition that is both contemplative and discerning and practical tips on how to do so;
  • How to lead with authenticity and integrity by possessing what Pope St. John Paul II called “unity of life” (Christifideles Laici) through progressively discovering and fully living one’s personal vocation.

All sessions will be made available through Ann's Integrō Formation digital library. Your full engagement with the course content will give you a practical knowledge on how to begin leading more contemplatively and intentionally out of your true identity in Christ.

Mode: Online (Upon successful registration with CLC, we will email you the details on how to access ALS on Ann’s Integro Formation portal as well as the duration of access.)

Cost: $100/- per pax (inclusive of GST)

Training Start Date: Available anytime at your own convenience, 6 months access from registration date.

Trainer: Ms Ann Yeong